
Why be a member?

Membership in the Shareholders’ Association allows us to represent your shares and advocate for the association’s perspective on the company’s efforts to generate shareholder value. Together, we become an influential force that works towards sustainable and sound decision-making. Whether you are a small or large shareholder, we are all invested in the company’s successful development within its areas of operation. What unites us is the recognition of the role that biometrics plays in the global village.

By becoming a member, we can protect our collective interests in a much more impactful way than if you were to try to make your voice heard on your own.

Who can become a member?

If you are a shareholder, you can become a member. Your ownership should be stated in the shareholder register.

How do you become a member?

If you register now the membership is valid 2025.

Alternative 1: (preferable)
Fill in all the fields on the registration form found HERE. The payment is processed via paypal and you can choose either to pay via paypal account or by inserting credit/debit card credentials and pay directly. The membership cost 200 SEK for allready menbers and 300 SEK for new members.
All the inserted personal data will be stored in a database on the weserver with high security. No third party will have access to this data.
Direckt link to Registration form using paypal or bank card.

Alternative 2:
Money transfer 200 (old member) / ( new member) 300 Swedish kronor to:
IBAN: SE5450000000052071035186
Write in your NAME, EMAILADRESS and NUMBER OF SHARES as additional information in the “other” field.
Take a screenshot of the transaction and send it to together with your Name, adress, emailadress, phonenumber and number of shares.
We will send a confirmation email when everything is ok.

Alternative 3: (Swedish citizen)
Pay 200 / 300 SEK to BANKGIRO number 201-5832. Payment need to be verified before a membership becomes active. Please note that we need to know the number of shares you hold. When using bankgiro please type in NUMBER OF SHARES and EMAIL ADRESS in “övrigt” field.
Take a screenshot of the transaction and send it to together with your Name, adress, emailadress, phonenumber and number of shares.
We will send a confirmation email when everything is ok.

What does membership entail?

You have the opportunity to grant the association the power of attorney to represent you in accordance with the association’s communicated recommendations, which are available on the website. The power of attorney forms can be found as PDFs on the website and can be downloaded. Prior to a decision or meeting, you fill in the power of attorney form and send it to us via email. You can find the power of attorney form HERE.

At each given opportunity for a potential vote, the association gathers input from its members to determine the course of action or positions to be taken. With a unified perspective, the association can discuss and determine what is in the best interest of the company and its many shareholders, both Swedish and international.

The association will communicate its stance on the website, allowing even non-members to vote on various occasions.

Regardless of your membership, you are always free to vote as you wish, and of course, you can buy and sell shares in the company during your membership. To terminate your membership, please inform the association in writing, which can be done via email.

Thank you for your trust.